Why Social Engagement Is Necessary To Grow Your Account

Make It Count.

We all want to make it big on social media right? But when our main goal and mindset is gaining followers it can lead us astray.

Before you can grow and while you grow, your audience needs to be consuming your content. This can be tracked through looking at your account insights for the amount of interactions, saves, and likes. You can have 100,000 followers but if your post gets 10 likes and no comments, your followers have no value.

Here are 4 reasons you need to engage with your target audience (current followers and potential followers):

  1. When someone engages with your account the algorithms are recording that interaction and determining that person enjoys the content you are putting out. Because of that, that engagement increases the chances of your posts being seen more often by that person on their newsfeed.

  2. Engagement indicates how well your content is resonating with your audience. Social media is a social outlet and therefor being social is an important part of your strategy. Relationships need to be built with your audience whether through personal connection or trust in your product and content. If you’re not getting good engagement in within your posts through likes, shares, and/or comments you need to reevaluate your strategy and test new ideas.

  3. The more people that engage with your content the more relevant the algorithms deems your content and therefore it will help with your reach on accounts in and outside of your current followers.

  4. Tracking repeat engagements (easier to do with smaller accounts) will help you identify loyal customers that are continuously engaging with your content. Knowing this will help you identify what is working and what isn’t within your content.

Engagement is necessary for brand awareness and growth, it is what leads your content to be seen by more and more of your current followers and to reach more targeted accounts outside of your followers. So follow these tips to increase your account engagement and to turn followers into loyal customers!


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